Case Studies 1

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All Case 9 Research 1 Strategy 3 Visual 5
Product Advertisement to Introduce The First Glow In The Dark Hair Claw
Mimori, a company in the girl accessories industry specializing in hair claw. The client’s need…
Thankyou card (8,56cm x 5,39cm)_page-0001
Vava & Nana for Havanna Kids – Character Design, 2D & 3D Animation
Havanna Reflexology is a family reflexology business that focuses on providing a healthy, safe, and…
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Label Tumpeng Kenduri Cleo 20th!
Cleo is a bottled water company based in Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia. Cleo uses advanced…
BIGCON Reparation
Visual Identity Refreshment for BIGCON Concrete Manufacturing Enterprise
PT Beton Intiguna, or BIGCON, is the company that makes the paving Box Culvert, U-Ditch,…
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Operational Efficiency – TPF (Tiga Pilar Familia)
PT Tiga Pilar Familia is an importer and distributor specializing in fashion items, including hair…
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Beyond the Bowl: Popomie’s Innovative Transformation
Popomie is a producer and supplier specializing in fresh noodles with various types and sizes.…
Packaging Redesign for Missy Menstrual Pads Using Eye-Tracking Research
Havanna Family Reflexology is a premium wellness brand offering the ultimate massage experience through serene…
Leveraging Potentials of Family Reflexology Havanna Family Reflexology
Havanna Family Reflexology is a premium wellness brand offering the ultimate massage experience through serene…
Research on Prawn Consumption Behavior & Prawn Frozen Product
To understand the consumption behavior of prawn, frozen prawn and other proteins in general by…
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